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Survey Stats: Part Two

Welcome back to another exciting edition of Survey Stats! As I mentioned in my previous post, I gave my students a quick survey (worth 2 XP!) and had them fill it out during some down time. The first part had them ranking their thoughts on a scale of one to ten, but the second part was a “write in” section. The questions asked are written below along with the most popular (or hilarious) answers.

The part of ClassRealm I like most is:

Earning points for hard work

We all have levels

We got to create our own character

The Achievements

The XP points

It’s cool (Awwwwww Yeah)

The rewards are good

It’s fun and can get stressful stuff off your mind (My personal favorite)



The part of ClassRealm I like least is:

Master is too hard to reach

10 XP per level is too much!



Not enough XP per day

I don’t like some of the achievements


Mr. Bertoli can make ClassRealm better by:

More Achievements

More Freedom

Nothing (Because It’s obviously perfect)

Making rewards easier

Double XP

Make a Saiyan Race! (Now THAT is a suggestion!)


The type of rewards I like most are:

This graph pretty much sums it up

Candy came in a distant second.

It’s interesting to see that some students feel ClassRealm takes away some of the stress of school. It’s certainly something nice to hear. Many students gave ClassRealm a glowing review, but the ones who didn’t are the ones who really help me. How can I reach these students, the ones who don’t care enough or see a major flaw in the system. These are the kinks I have to work out, and work them out I shall.