Meet the Team – Ben

Oh, hello. I didn’t see you there. I thought maybe you’d like to meet some of the minds behind ClassRelam, you know, before you decide to love or hate it.

We’ll sart with me – Ben. I am currently a 6th grade teacher in Indianapolis, Indiana. I’ve been playing video games and acting like a small child since I was around five years old. Old school platformers are my bread and butter, Banjo Kazooie being my favorite game of all time. I collect Nintendo games and systems. I currently own over 350 games as well as every console and handheld to date.

Education has always had a major impact on my life. Growing up I attended school where I learned and thought about things, as was customary. I was also briefly a Ninja Turtle (see left), which teaches one many life lessons. I initially wanted to be a vet when I was younger, but soon realized I hated cats and dead animals in general. Then I wanted to work on video games, but there was too much sitting and coding. I finally settled on elementary education, which was the perfect mix of cat-less environments and ocasional sitting. I attended the University of Indianapolis where I studied hard and ran track for four years. Teaching is a perfect fit for me because it’s like being an educational stand up comedian. I try to make my classes as fun as possible while still helping my students learn the curriculum.

ClassRealm was an idea I have had since I graduated and it’s popularity, which will hopefully rise, stunned me from the start. I in no way invented gamification in the classroom, but I am determined to find the most effective implementation to date. I will put every ounce of my effort (and the little bit of money I have) in to ClassRealm to see it succeed. Wanna know more? Feel free to comment below or email me at

Interesting facts about Ben

– He is colorblind

– He is 6’7 tall

– He is the great grandson of Orville Redenbacher

– He is the assistant track coach at his middle school

One Comment on "Meet the Team – Ben"

  1. Jessica says:

    Hey Ben, I am doing a project on Gamification and I am using ClassRealm as an example and “proof”. I love what you do and I enjoy reading your blog! 🙂 Game on!

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